A1. Transitioning to a Paperless Workflow
- Mike Hepp, Head of Technology, Dartmouth Journal Services/Sheridan Press
- Amy McPherson, Managing Editor, American Journal of Botany
- Tanda Jaipean, Production Coordinator, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
- Betsy Garman, Production Editing Administrator, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Moderator
Is a paperless workflow right for you and your organization? This session will discuss the costs and benefits of transitioning to a paperless workflow. Speakers will discuss the decision-making process as well as actual processes for implementation, software options and tips, and organizational methods. Each panelist will have a unique perspective regarding the paperless workflow as a result of their individual responsibilities and relationship with the system (as a Production Manager, Vendor, and Editor).
A2. Migration from Print to Online
- Denis Baskin, Executive Editor, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
- Judy Luther, ARL, President, Informed Strategies
- Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, Coordinator, Electronic Health Library of British Columbia
- Patty Baskin, Managing Editor, Neurology, Moderator
The growing number of online-only Journals and journals that publish all or most of their printed content online seems to point to a future in which print is considered expensive and outdated. However, print continues to be in demand in some communities for various reasons, including cultural and financial ones. Speakers from journals who benefit from online publication and those to whom it is important to continue with print publication will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.
A3. Writing Workshops: Three Practical Designs Improve the Publishability of Trainee Writing
- Iain Taylor, Editor, Davidsonia, University of British Columbia Botanical Garden
- Walter Pagel, Director, Scientific Publications, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- Pamela Derish, Scientific Publications Manager, Department of Surgery, UCSF
- Walter Pagel, Moderator
Many CSE members are author’s editors, but all editors have insight into effective scientific writing. That insight can be applied to teaching as well as editing. Speakers at this session will describe three different editor-designed writing workshops aimed at helping young scientists and clinicians improve their ability to write publishable research articles.
A4. PKP Project, Open Source Software Helping Journals Around the World
- John Willinsky, Professor of Education, Stanford University
- Rowland Lorimer, Director, Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing, Simon Fraser University
- Kevin Stranack, Librarian, Public Knowledge Project, Simon Fraser University.
Now with more than 1,000 users all around the world, this Open Source Peer Review and Hosting Platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project team is helping journals around the world move into the 21st century . . . at minimal cost. Here’s a chance to get both a technical update, as well as views from the founders and users of where the PKP project may be heading, and how it’s being used in the field.
B2. Editing Around the World
- Ana Ivanis, Croatian Medical Journal
- Iain Taylor, Editor, Davidsonia, UBC Botanical Garden
- Mauricio Rocha e Silva, Editor, Revista CLINICS, São Paulo, Brazil
- Mauricio Rocha e Silva, Moderator
This session will cover the triumphs and pitfalls of editing scientific journals in developing countries. Once upon a time they used to be quite invisible, but the Internet, PubMed, and open access have dramatically altered all of this. Hopefully for the better.
B3. Working with Web 2.0
- Hilary Spencer, Product Development Manager, Nature Publishing Group
- Mark Cassar, Acting Publisher, AIP Journals, American Institute of Physics
- Richard Kobel, American Institute of Physics, Moderator
The proliferation of tools, services, and options for social networking can be confusing and challenging to manage for editors and their staffs. Which Web 2.0 tools are best suited for science editors and their readers? How are publishers leveraging them to enhance their titles? What goals and objectives are editors and publishers seeking to achieve via these tools? What seems or does not seem to be effective thus far? Representatives from a group of progressive scientific publishers will present their ideas, experience, and case studies to address these and other issues.
B4. English as an International Language Authors (formerly “non-native speaking authors”) in Science Deserve Programmatic Assistance
- John Benfield, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
- Christine Feak, English Language Institute, University of Michigan
- John Benfield, Moderator
Language professionals from Japan and the US and a US surgeon will describe programs that have helped English as an International Language (EIL) authors (who provide >50% of articles) fully participate in their discourse communities. Interactive learning programs plus specialty-specific corpora, and concordance software have provided powerful tools for 3-way (author-language professional-peer) language assistance.
C1. Ethics of Image Manipulation and Current Tools for Screening of Images
- Dana Compton, Production Manager, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Shelley Potler, Group Leader, Cadmus Communications
- Kenneth M. Yamada, Chief, Laboratory of Cell & Developmental Biology, NIDCR, NIH
- Angela Schmeckebier, Assistant to the Editor-in-chief, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Moderator.
With the advent of new technologies to visually represent scientific and visual information comes an increasing potential for misuse of these technologies. Tools for detecting fraudulent images are being developed for publishers and editors who receive digital images, videos, and audio files. Speakers in this session will discuss the ethics of image manipulation and tools available for screening images.
C2. Author Aid Task Force
- Iain Taylor, Editor, Davidsonia, University of British Columbia Botanical Garden
- Barbara Gastel, Texas A &M University and INASP
- Iain Taylor, Chair Author Aid Task Force, Moderator
Speakers in this session will relate their experiences with the AuthorAid Task Force project working overseas and on the Web to find and assist young authors who are doing a wide range of excellent research projects but are very handicapped by their poor understanding of preparing and publishing research papers.
C3. Changing Life of a Manuscript Editor
- Devora Krischer, Consulting Medical Editor, CVS | Caremark
- Michele Vivirito, Medical Writing Director, Amgen Inc.
- Leslie Neistadt, The Hughston Foundation, Inc.
- Norman Grossblatt, National Academy of Sciences
- Devora Krischer, Consulting Medical Editor, CVS | Caremark, Moderator
Change permeates every aspect of science communication, including the work of the manuscript editor. How have increasingly complex ethical standards, electronic media, and the Internet changed this centuries-old profession? Join us to pose your questions and share your experiences in our free-ranging discussion.
C4. Cost-effective Content Delivery Methods: Taking Your Online Journal to the Next Level
- Scott Williams, Research Assistant, PERFUSE Angiographic Core laboratory
- Gavin Yamey, Editor, PLoS Medicine and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Anthony C. Doll, Manager, Graphics Services, Duke Clinical Research Institute
- Julie McKeel, Manager, Communications/Web Services, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Moderator
What are some cost-effective ways to deliver different content formats to meet the variable learning styles of your readership? How can you use the web to develop content and collaborate with multiple authors and editors? How can you post a variety of content types to the web on a shoe-string budget? Come learn about what to expect in the next few years.
D1. Editing by/for Non-English Speaking Writers/Readers
- Mauricio Rocha e Silva, Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo Univ Med College
- Ana Marusic, Editor, Croatian Medical Journal
- Roy Turkington, Associate Editor, Journal of Ecology, University of British Columbia
- Mauricio Rocha e Silva, Moderator
English is the established lingua franca of science. This session plans to discuss the main hurdles facing speakers/readers/writers of the three major language trunks, (other than Anglo-Saxons) native to over 50% of humans. Speakers will endeavor to outline practical points in assuring that such hurdles are made easier to negotiate.
E3. Is Your Journal Worth the Paper It’s Printed On?
- Frank Locantore, Director, Magazine PAPER Project Program, Coop America
- Guy Dresser, Vice President of Operations, Allen Press Inc
- Dana M Compton, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Devora Krischer, Consulting Medical Editor, CVS | Caremark, Moderator
Do you know what sort of paper your journal is printed on? Good papers with high recycled content are increasingly available at competitive prices. These products use less wood, water, and energy and create less pollution than papers made solely from virgin wood. This session reviews the environmental impacts of papermaking and guides journal editors on how to minimize the environmental impacts of their print publications.
E4. Listening to Our Readers
- Rebecca Benner, Managing Editor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Angela Brady, Vice President, Stratton Publishing and Marketing, Inc.
- Rebecca Benner, Moderator
This session will address the thoughtful and targeted development of survey instruments, provide general benchmarks and parameters for analysis of results, and share a case study of one publication that effectively surveyed its readership and implemented change based on the feedback received.
F3. Building the “Health Knowledge Commons”: Open Access, Human Rights, and What the Commons Means for Researchers and Editors
- Anita Palepu, Co-Editor, Open Medicine
- Claire Kendall, Deputy Editor, Open Medicine
- Jocalyn Clark, Senior Editor, PLoS Medicine
- Gavin Yamey, Senior Editor, PLoS Medicine
- Gavin Yamey, Moderator
On December 26 2007, George Bush signed a bill into law mandating that NIH researchers make their papers freely available. This new law is the latest step toward creating a digital library of health research that is universally available – free to read and free to reuse. In this session, editors from two open access health journals discuss the implications and impacts of creating such a library, with a particular emphasis on public health, health research, and human rights. They will also give a “state of the art” update on recent open access mandates and legislation worldwide.
F4. How Easy to Cheat? How Easy to Uncover Cheating?
- Trish Groves, Deputy Editor, British Medical Journal
- Thomas Gerber, Departments of Radiology and Internal Medicine-Cardiology, Mayo Clinic
- Margaret Winker, Deputy Editor, Division of Scientific Online Resources, JAMA
- Penny Hodgson, Executive Editor, American Heart Journal, Moderator
For years scientific journals have struggled with such misdeeds as plagiarism and redundant publication. In this era of rapid access to the work of others, instances of misdeeds appear to have increased but so have instances of discovering such inappropriate publications-related activities. Come learn from three speakers about clever new ways researchers attempt to cheat the system, both high- and low-tech means of uncovering them, and a related survey that is currently underway.
H3. Mind the Gap: Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences
- Ivan Oransky, MD, Managing Editor Online, Scientific American
- Jennifer Henry, Publishing Manager, Nature Publishing Group
- Devora Krischer, Consulting Medical Editor, CVS Caremark, Moderator
Internet access opens research and new science to everyone, from the general public to scientists in other disciplines. Patients stay abreast of medical research. And the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of science means findings must be accessible to scientists in other fields. Learn to make science relevant — and understandable — to disparate audiences.