Member Testimonials

Kristen Overstreet, Senior Partner, Origin Editorial

“Through CSE I connected with thought leaders in the scholarly publishing industry and developed relationships that continue to benefit my career. Keeping up with new information through CSE’s conferences and webinars and having the opportunity to discuss how these innovations will affect my journals with people who are critical thinkers is invaluable.”

Doug Parker, Editorial Director, American Society of Civil Engineers

“I’ll never forget my first CSE Annual Meeting. It was in Atlanta, GA, and the good folks at [Redacted] Airlines lost my luggage (permanently, as it turned out). I cobbled together an emergency wardrobe by picking through the sales rack at a Peachtree Brooks Brothers, then made my way to the first session wearing a stiff blue Oxford shirt and pleated chinos. Walking into that session room was a transformative experience—laid out before me were a slate of discussions covering pictures big and small, a vast array of curious experts, and endless opportunities for learning and professional growth. And as a bonus, very few members of the assembled CSE community mocked me for my wardrobe…”

Leonard Jack, Editor-in-Chief, Preventing Chronic Disease Journal at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

“It has been a rewarding experience to be an active member in the Council of Science Editors (CSE). From the beginning, CSE has welcomed my participation, voice, and contributions on its Editorial Policy Committee and in my role as Co-Chair of CSE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Working closely with CSE colleagues from around the world to advance standards in scientific publishing has been both rewarding and impactful in my role as Editor in Chief of an internationally respected public health journal.”

Diane M. Sullenberger, Executive Editor, PNAS

“Being an active CSE member and volunteer has been remarkably fulfilling and invaluable in advancing my career in science publishing and expanding my knowledge of the industry. From gaining confidence early on as a speaker by serving on the faculty of the Short Course for Journal Editors, through serving on various committees and working groups, and then as CSE president and as a mentor, CSE has influenced how I do my work, who I connect with to discuss industry best practices or thorny issues, and made my journey and learning experience fun!”

Anna Jester, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, eJournal Press

“CSE is a fantastic home for people with high standards in scholarly communication searching for a similarly minded group of peers. Looking for information on how to solve an editorial conundrum? CSE provides advice on publication ethics and includes a committee that updates the recommendations based on new information or best practices. Wishing for a mentor that understands, perhaps even encourages, having favorite style conventions? CSE offers a Mentorship Committee that intentionally matches dyads, facilitating mentees and mentors who learn from each other. Volunteering with CSE has grown my network and led to many long-term friendships – let it do the same for you!”

Jonathan Schultz, Sr. Director of Journal Operations, American Heart Association

“CSE has been an essential part of my career and professional development. Through meetings, webinars, and Science Editor, I can keep up-to-date and see how my colleagues are innovating. When I attended my first CSE Annual Meeting, I didn’t know anyone, but I found that volunteering for a committee was a great way to meet people and make connections. If you are interested, CSE makes it remarkably easy to contribute as a meeting presenter, article author, committee member, and more. In my experience as Editor-in-Chief of Science Editor, CSE members are always excited to share insights into their successes and setbacks alike and help their fellow members.”