Posting Job Openings

Advertise your writing, editing, and publishing jobs to a select group of professionals

Submit a job posting

Each time a new job is posted on the website of the Council of Science Editors, an e-mail is automatically sent to more than 1,000 people who have asked to be notified when new jobs are available.

Job Openings

All job ads submitted through the CSE website are posted for TWO or THREE months and must be prepaid by credit card. Place a job opening.

Members pay a flat rate of $50 for a two month ad or $100 for a three month ad.

Non-members who choose not to join CSE pay a rate of $.25 per character for a two-month ad or $.50 per character for a three-month ad.

Banner Ads on Job Bank
Banner Ads can be placed on the Job Bank Homepage for three months for a cost of $250.00 (250 x 250 pixels). Place a banner ad.

Some types of positions advertised on the CSE website:
Editorial, Communications, Circulation and Marketing, Copyediting, Production, Publishing, Data/Technology, Graphics/Production Arts, Scientific/Technical/Medical Writing, Publishing Business Management

Submit a job posting