Submit Nominations for CSE Awards

The CSE Board of Directors and the Awards and Honors Committee invite members to submit nominations for one or more of the three CSE annual awards that are described below – Award for Meritorious AchievementDistinguished Service Award, and Certificate of Appreciation.

The Awards and Honors Committee includes a chair and 4 other members, each of whom has been a member of CSE for a minimum of 5 years. Traditionally, the chair is the retired past president (1 year after being past president) and the term of the chair and the 4 other members is 1 year.

The committee recommends recipients for the CSE awards in accordance with the provisions outlined below. Recommendations are submitted to the Board of Directors, including the committee’s rationale for each recommendation and criteria used in the selection process. The Board makes the final decision on award recipients.

Submit a nomination using the button below.

CSE Award for Meritorious Achievement

Purposes. This is CSE’s highest award. The purposes of the award are (1) to highlight the goal of CSE, namely, the improvement of scientific communication through the pursuit of high standards in all activities connected with editing. (2) to honor those who have made significant contributions toward this goal, and (3) to give broad attention to and express appreciation for such contributions.

Frequency. One recipient per year is recommended to the board by the Awards and Honors Committee, unless the committee cannot make a suitable recommendation.

Eligibility. The award may be made either to an individual or to an institution. The individual need not be a member of CSE. The individual, or the representative of an institution, will be expected to give a 15- to 20-minute address after the presentation of the award at the CSE annual meeting.

For whatever kind of activity the award is given, it should honor either pioneering work or work that has proceeded along traditional lines, provided the work is an exceptional contribution and achievement that has been characterized by the highest quality or has been concerned with the maintenance and improvement of high standards of excellence. The recipient should be a person or institution that the CSE membership will readily recognize as closely embracing the purposes of CSE and a symbol of what CSE stands for.

Restrictions. Members currently serving on the board of directors of CSE and current members of the Awards and Honors Committee are not eligible for the Award for Meritorious Achievement.

CSE Distinguished Service Award

Purpose. The purpose of the CSE Distinguished Service Award is to recognize excellence in the performance of specific tasks by CSE members.

Frequency. Certificates will be presented whenever deserving recipients are identified by the committee and approved by the board of directors. The specific task(s) must be documented for each recipient and forwarded to the executive director for transmittal to the board.

Eligibility. Recipients must be CSE members in good standing who have made outstanding contributions to CSE. Recipients must be present at the annual meeting to receive their certificates. Recipient comments are not required at the awards presentation. Members may be nominated for and receive a certificate more than once. There may be no more than 3 recipients of the Distinguished Service Award per year, thus allowing CSE to recognize a few truly worthy individuals without creating the appearance of distributing the award in a wholesale fashion.

Restrictions. Current voting members of the board of directors and current members of the Awards and Honors Committee are not eligible to receive this award. There may be no more than 3 recipients of the Distinguished Service Award per year.

Certificate of Appreciation

Purpose. The purpose of the CSE Certificate of Appreciation is to commend CSE members who have made laudable contributions to CSE.

Frequency. Certificates will be presented whenever deserving recipients are identified by the committee and approved by the Board. The committee must document the specific tasks of each recipient and forward the documentation to the executive director for transmittal to the Board by September 30 each year.

Eligibility. Recipients must be CSE members in good standing who have made laudable contributions to CSE. Recipients must be present at the annual meeting to receive their certificates. Recipient comments are not required at the awards presentation. Members may be nominated for and receive a certificate more than once.

Restrictions. Current voting members of the Board and current members of the Awards and Honors Committee are not eligible to receive this award. There may be no more than three recipients of the Certificates of Appreciation each year.


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