Inclusivity in Science Communication: Pre-Publication Perspectives August 22, 2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
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Science communication is often considered in the final step when research outputs are effectively produced. However, it is a continuous process whose efficiency in the post-publication stage depends on the earlier steps. What about science communication behind the scenes? This session delves into critical aspects of science communication during the pre-publication process, emphasizing the importance of fostering inclusivity in language and training. The first presentation by Barbara Gastel, entitled "Science Editors as Communication Mentors," explores the mentorship role of science editors and related professionals in guiding early-career researchers through scientific writing and publication. It discusses practical steps that author’s editors, peer reviewers, and editors-in-chief can take to mentor these researchers effectively, with a particular focus on the pre-publication process. Christopher Magor's presentation, "Making Inclusion More Inclusive: Considerations and Challenges in Promoting Inclusive Language Outside the Anglosphere," addresses the challenges non-English speaking researchers face in the publication process. It highlights strategies to promote inclusive language and support these authors in delivering equitable research outputs. Additionally, Janaynne do Amaral will provide her perspective on the impact of (non)academic voices and expertise on peer-review processes and models, and how this influences the effective delivery of scholarly content to various audiences.

Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH, is professor of integrative biosciences and of medical humanities at Texas A&M University, where she directs the science journalism graduate program. She also teaches in the University of Chicago certificate program in medical writing and editing. She is first author of the recent editions of the book How to Write and Edit a Scientific Paper, and for a decade she edited Science Editor. Her areas of focus include biomedical editing, international communication of science, and the teaching of scientific communication. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a recipient of the CSE Award for Meritorious Achievement. The Board of Editors in the Life Sciences has named her an Honored Editor in the Life Sciences.

Christopher Magor is a Japan-based science editor and research integrity trainer. For almost 20 years, he has worked authors who speak English as an additional language prepare their work for international publication and helped Japanese English-language journals refine the quality of their publications. As a technical editor, Christopher has worked with scholars from diverse medical and scientific fields, both in Japan and other countries, and is acutely aware of the distinct challenges these authors face, both linguistically and during the publication process. Christopher is a Crossref Ambassador, a member of the Editorial Committee at the Council of Science Editors, and a member of the Society for Scholarly Publishing.

Janaynne Carvalho do Amaral is a Social Anthropologist and Information Scientist from Brazil. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA). Janaynne do Amaral is passionate about science communication and public engagement with science. She is particularly interested in how grassroots patient organizations communicate science on social media and build their authority as experts, besides how health research on medical cannabis should be communicated to the public. In addition, she conducts research on peer review training for undergraduate and graduate researchers and on public participation in the peer review process of scholarly and scientific journals. She also teaches Scholarly Communications and Information Services for Diverse Users for librarians, archivists, and aspiring museum professionals.
Moderator: Eleonora Colangelo